Family Life Counseling & Psychiatric Services will be offering a Work Recovery Program. The 2018 development is a three
part establishment to focus on meeting the needs of each individual client and filling voids in the local workforce.
Work Recovery:
Our organization is dedicated to interviewing each client and developing an individual Work Recovery profile. This
profile will include the client’s strengths, goals, and improvement areas. The profile will be used by primary counselors
and case managers to meet the client’s goals and needs, as well as being used to match the client with employment
opportunities in the area. This project will be well-rounded and on-going. If the client is dedicated to earning a certified
trade, receiving a degree, or reentering the workforce after time away, our organization will assist them in the process.
After employment is established, Family Life Counseling will continue to work with the employee and will maintain
contact with the organization. If there are any problems on site, the organization is encouraged to share this information
and we will do our best to help the client with any learning curve they might experience. We will measure the success of
this program after the client has maintained employment for 3 months, 6 months and a year.
Second Chances:
Drug addiction doesn’t affect only one aspect of the population, addiction spans across almost every demographic and
profession. Research shows that 60% of individuals with a chemical dependency are employed in full-time positions.
Because of this, employers are often spending more money on healthcare costs, absenteeism, reductions in
productivity, workplace accidents, or providing notice of termination and finding new employees.
Family Life Counseling is offering a new development called Second Chances. The program is designed to encourage
employers, who suspect illegal drug use of a particular employee, to intervene and to offer recovery options. Our
organization is willing to individualize treatment plans and provide the workplace with updates of the individual’s
compliancy with treatment and their final drug test results. After months pass, the employer will be encouraged to
interview the client and, if desired, hire them back to work.
Additional Support:
Family Life Counseling & Psychiatric Services now offers Employee Assistance Programs. Our organization has offices in
Mansfield, Shelby, Galion, Danville, Millersburg, Loudonville, Norwalk, Willard, and Bellevue. Each EAP will be
individualized and interested parties are encouraged to call (419) 774-9969.