The American Psychological Association suggests therapy to individuals who feel that there is something internal that causes distress and interference with an aspect of life, such as:
Thinking about or coping with the issue takes at least an hour each day
The issue causes embarrassment or avoidance of others
Due to the issue, there has been a decrease in the quality of life
Work, school, or relationships have been negatively affected due to the issue
You've made changes in life or new habits to cope with issue
If you feel overwhelmed, fatigued, anxious, angry, or hopeless, we encourage you to reach out to learn more about service options.
If you have tried counseling in the past and it didn't help right away, please know that time can help build rapport between clients and therapists. Within the initial appointment, we will investigate symptoms, treatment experiences, and individual preferences for counselors. If after a few sessions, you feel that you are not "connecting" with the therapist, we are happy to reassign the case and pair you with someone you feel would be more fitting. We offer flexible scheduling in mornings and evenings. Call if you have additional questions or would like to learn more.